Whether you have a brand new build or moving into an existing home, smoke alarm installation is a necessity for every homeowner. Not only does this guarantee safety in the home, but it will ease your mind knowing that your home is meeting Australian standards, should anything happen. In particular, when claiming damage, smoke alarms are required for insurance and not having working smoke alarms can affect your insurance claim or premium. 

All smoke alarms, including main-powered alarms need to be replaced every 10 years. This is because smoke alarms will start to be defective overtime because of a build-up of dust, insects and airborne contaminants. Even if you keep your house in a pristine state of cleanliness, sometimes smoke alarms can go off because of the corrosion of electrical circuits. So make sure to book this into your next service to check its expiration. 

Smoke alarms can be installed through hard-wiring or battery. Hard-wired smoke alarms offer greater reliability due to their back-up battery which is utilised when going through power outages. One of the main pros of professionally installing hard-wired smoke alarms is providing interconnectivity. This means if one alarm detects smoke, all of the alarms will be activated. This will give greater warning throughout the house.

man using electrical screwdriver to install a smoke alarm on the ceiling